You are Never too Old to Study, to Learn, to Live

Another inspiring woman...

Sitting on the front row in her college classes carefully taking notes, Nola Ochs is just as likely to answer questions as to ask them. That's not the only thing distinguishing her from fellow students at Fort Hays State University. She's 95, and when she graduates May 12, she'll be what is believed to be the world's oldest person to be awarded a college degree.

She didn't plan it that way. She just loved to learn as a teenager on a Hodgeman County farm, then as a teacher at a one-room school after graduating from high school and later as a farm wife and mother.

"That yearning for study was still there. I came here with no thought of it being an unusual thing at all," she said. "It was something I wanted to do. It gave me a feeling of satisfaction. I like to study and learn."

The record Ochs will break, according to Guinness World Records, belongs to Mozelle Richardson, who at age 90 in 2004 received a journalism degree from the University of Oklahoma.

"We should all be so lucky and do such amazing things. Her achievement challenges us all to reach for our own goals and dreams," said Tom Nelson, AARP chief operating officer in Washington.

She's getting offers for television appearances, and reporters show up wanting to interview her. She acknowledges enjoying it.

"It brings attention to this college and this part of the state. Good people live here," she said. "And I still wear the same size hat."

But she added: "I don't dwell on my age. It might limit what I can do. As long as I have my mind and health, it's just a number."

Ochs is proudest of being the matriarch of a family that includes three sons — a fourth died in 1995 — along with 13 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren.

"They're all such fine boys," she said. "Our main crop is our children, and the farm is a good place to raise them."

Ochs started taking classes at Dodge City Community College after her husband of 39 years, Vernon, died in 1972. A class here and there over the years, and she was close to having enough hours for an undergraduate degree.

Last fall, Ochs moved the 100 miles from her farm southwest of Jetmore to an apartment on campus to complete the final 30 hours to get a general studies degree with an emphasis on history.

At 5-foot-2, her white hair pulled into a bun, she walks purposely down hallways to classes with her books in a cloth tote bag. Students nod and smile; she's described as witty, charming and down to earth.

"Everybody has accepted me, and I feel just like another student," she said. "The students respect me."

Coming out of a classroom, Skyla Foster, a junior majoring in history, sees Ochs and calls out to her. To everyone on campus, she's "Nola," not Mrs. Ochs — and that's the way she wants it.

"She is pretty neat, a very interesting person and very knowledgeable," Foster said.

Todd Leahy, history department chairman, wondered at first if Ochs could keep up with the other students. After her second week, all doubts were gone, as he discovered she could provide tidbits of history.

Leahy, who had Ochs in four classes, wants to record oral histories with her after she graduates.

"I can tell them about it, but to have Nola in class adds a dynamic that can't be topped," Leahy said. "It's a firsthand perspective you seldom get."

For instance, Ochs offered recollections of the 1930s Midwest dust bowl, when skies were so dark that lamps were lit during the day and wet sheets were placed over windows to keep out dust that sounded like pelting sleet hitting the house.

During a discussion about World War II, Ochs told how she and her husband, along with other wheat farmers in the area, grew soybeans on some of their acres for the war effort.

"I would have never talked about that in class, but she brought it up and we talked about it," Leahy said. "She often adds color to the face of history."

Ochs hasn't complained about the work, nor has she asked for special considerations.

In her one-bedroom apartment, books are open and papers and notes are within easy reach when she sits down at her computer to research and write.

"I came up here with that purpose. No, I never doubted it. Other people did it," she said. "I came up here to work, and I enjoy it."

Ochs said she has learned new things. She said she has attained a better understanding of Russian history and the role Dwight Eisenhower played in the D-Day invasion.

An added joy for Ochs is that her 21-year-old granddaughter, Alexandra Ochs, will graduate with her.

"How many people my age have a chance to hang out with their grandmothers? She's really accepted by the other students," Alexandra said. "They enjoy her, but probably not as much as I do."

Ochs said she looks forward to getting home to help with the wheat harvest, as she has done every year for as long as she can remember. After harvest, she might travel or take more classes at a community college.

After that?

"I'm going to seek employment on a cruise ship as a storyteller," she said, smiling.

The determined look in her eye leaves no doubt she's serious.

On the Net:
Fort Hays State University:

95-year-old woman earns history degree
KANSAS CITY, Kan., April 29 (UPI) -- A 95-year-old Kansas woman is set to become the world's oldest college graduate when she walks across the stage at Fort Hays State University.

Nola Ochs -- who is scheduled to receive her degree in history in two weeks -- was born in 1911 and graduated high school just as the Great Depression was beginning, The Kansas City Star reported.

Ochs is said to be greatly admired by professors and students alike on the Fort Hays campus. Her research papers reportedly show model work and she is known as an excellent storyteller -- often reliving history in class for other, much younger students, the newspaper said.

Ochs is also known for having an incredible amount of energy. Before the grandmother and great-grandmother earns her Guinness World Record as oldest college grad, she has course papers to finish, studying to do and a flurry of media attention to cope with.

None of which is reported to be a problem for her. One source told the star Ochs has said she is very much enjoying it all.

Copyright 2007 by United Press International. All Rights Reserved.

A Second Life C

(Picture: Cynthia Groopman (alone, with New York City in background) and Cynthia and other recipients of the honorary Liberty Award for New York City)

She is an inspiring woman; Cynthia Groopman.
Sudden blindess didn't kill her life, instead it gave her new life.
~wonderful is HIS work...

A Second Life C

February 28, 1988, will always be the beginning of my second life.

Sixteen years ago I received a prescription cough medication. Although pleasant tasting, it would change my life and my vision forever.

I awoke at midnight from a fitful sleep with a pounding headache and red eyes that felt like they were going to pop out of my head. Everything seemed hazy.

My dad and brother accompanied me to the local eye and ear hospital. In the taxi, tears began to stream down my face. What was happening to me? I thought.

I was 39 years old, active, vibrant and enjoyed life. I was an elementary school English teacher.

An intern and nurse awaited me in the emergency room. The intern looked into my eyes and measured the pressure, which was 55 in each eye. When I showed him the cough medicine bottle, he said that I was one in five who experiences an adverse reaction.

Immediately the doctor and nurse went to work to lower the pressure with injections, liquids, pills and drops. I was in the emergency room all night and into the wee hours of the morning. I had laser surgery, and the pressure was lowered.

The sight in both eyes, however, was gone.

I found myself in a dark and isolated world. I thought to myself: What purpose do I have now?

In the taxi going home, I listed in my mind some goals to reach by the year 2002. I was just imagining things and thought that this would allay my fears.

In the beginning it was like a bad dream. Going to the doctor. Using drops and Just sitting around and moping.

I felt I had to retire from my job. The medical board asked me stupid questions.

I then underwent intensive rehabilitation and was taught new skills, including cane travel.

I began taking adult education courses from the Hadley School for the Blind. Later, I would become Student of the Year.

In 1991, I became a social work, educational and recreational volunteer professional at the local seniors center where I began to utilize my skills as a teacher. I taught ESL, conducted groups and spoke to the homebound and counseled people. I was named Volunteer of the Year and blessed by the Monsignor.

I was adjusting to life because I had a purpose.

I was photographed for Time Magazine, using the Reading Edge machine and inspired others.

Time passed, and I realized that the goals I had verbally listed on that February night were becoming realities.

I began to write poetry and was one of the best poets for three years. I was awarded a Citation of Honor for volunteer service, the Hero of Winter Exceptional and Role Model Person. My fondest dream came true when, in August 2001, I had a Bat Mitzvah at age 53.

Today, I mentor children and talk to groups about blindness. My letters appear in our local papers, and I am interested and involved in social actions with senior citizens. The ability to use the computer was my last goal, and I had special technology lessons.

My life is full. I have insight, the ability to grow, lead a productive life and see the light of the Lord. My life is truly rich and blessed, and yes, now I know the true purpose of my life. God gave me an unconquerable soul.

By Cynthia Groopman,

The Evening’s Coolness
By Cynthia Groopman

As the radiant sunshine glow begins to gradually fade,
Bathed am I, in the coolness of the evening shade

Embrace tenderly by a splendid caress of refreshing fresh air,
My weary soul is renewed with sudden flare
Softness and comfort adorns my heart,
As the stressful events of the day begins to depart

Oh, coolness of the evening you are so alluring to me,
Enfolding me into God’s warm loving arms
of love and tranquility.

Copyright © 2007 Cynthia Groopman.

Working Spirit

Teman saya, pemilik dua perusahaan besar, mengeluh dan mempertanyakan mengapa spirit di dua perusahaannya sangat berbeda.

Perusahaan pertama usianya 51 tahun, sementara yang kedua tidak lebih dari 10 tahun. Perusahaan yang lebih "dewasa" dan sudah berkembang baik, sulit dikatakan punya spirit yang segar.

Karyawannya pulang "teng-go" (tepat jam 5 sore) bersikap hati-hati dan cenderung "cari aman". Sementara, begitu memasuki perusahaan yang lebih "muda", terasa dinamika dan semangat, seolah suasana yang kita alami ketika bergadang di ruang senat mahasiswa, mengerjakan proyek organisasi. Yang jelas, memasuki dua lingkungan kerja yang berbeda ini, "mood" kita langsung beda, padahal lokasinya di gedung yang sama, hanya berbeda lantai.

Kita lihat bahwa spirit ada di udara, mudah terasa dan tercium. Bagi sebagian orang, spirit tidak sulit diciptakan. Terkadang hanya perlu "dipancing" dengan gorengan di sore hari atau kebersamaan saat lembur sampai pagi. Namun, di beberapa organisasi tertentu, terasa bahwa spirit ini sulit dikembalikan, walaupun sudah "diangkat" dan "ditarik-tarik" .

Organisasi yang penuh birokrasi, misalnya, sering membuahkan karyawan yang terlalu berhati-hati, "cari selamat", terlalu berhitung, takut berubah, hanya menunggu ide untuk berubah dari orang lain, dan enggan mengeluarkan ide baru. Tidak ada dinamika, kewaspadaan dan kenikmatan untuk berinisiatif lagi. Bila kita terjebak berada dalam organisasi seperti ini, namun secara pribadi memiliki spirit yang kuat, kita tentunya bertanya-tanya, apakah saya nanti tidak aneh sendiri? Bukankah spirit itu bersumber dari suasana kerja tim? Akankah kita bisa mempertahankan spirit yang segar dari waktu ke waktu? Bagaimana menyuntikkan spirit ke dalam diri sendiri, bahkan sampai memengaruhi organisasi?

Ingat Umur!

Bila kita sudah kehilangan spirit bekerja, ingatlah umur. Bayangkan profesional seperti Martha Tilaar, yang berusia 70 tahun, tetapi, semangatnya serasa 30 tahun. Beliau mengisi kehjdupan kariernya dengan `passion" dan urgensi. Berapa usia kita sekarang? Masih berapa tahunkah kita harus berproduksi? Bila sekarang saja semangat kita sudah kempis, bagaimana kita akan giat berkarya pada tahun-tahun mendatang?

Hati-hati dengan "Menerimà Apa Adanya"

Bayangkan sebuah rapat yang "garing", tidak bersemangat, di mana kebanyakan orang tidak mempunyai persiapan materi yang menantang, hanya menjawab bila ditanya atasan, tidak mempunyai ide dan pasrah menjalankan kehidupan perusahaan apa adanya Saat seseorang mengemukakan ide berbeda, semua pandangan menghujam padanya. Dan, si kreatif ini bisa-bisa kemudian meragukan idenya. Kita lihat bahwa sikap "menerima apa adanya bisa mematikan spirit sehingga perlu juga diwaspadai dan diperangi.

Pandanglah ke Depan

Bukan saja entrepreneur seperti Henry Ford (Ford Motor Comp), Bill Gates (Microsoft Corp.), Larry Page dan Sergey Brin (Google) yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk memandang ke depan, kita pun bisa! Kita selalu bisa melakukan "benchmark" ke perusahaan yang mempunyai aspek yang bisa ditiru. Kita pun selalu bisa mempunyai obsesi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kita sebagai individu, kelompok atau bahkan perusahaan.

Bacaan-bacaan mengenai "best practice? profesi dan perusahaan serupa tidak terbatas jumlahnya. Dari sini kita bisa menumbuhkan mood untuk maju, mentransfer dan merealisasikan ide dan berobsesi untuk lebih sukses.

Bertanyalah, "Bagaimana Caranya?"

Bisnis dan situasi negara kita sëkarang membutuhkan produk baru, cara dan metode produksi, pasar baru, kecepatan, transfer kekuatan, dan informasi. Bagaimana mungkin kita tinggal diam dan menunggu?

Kita bisa mengaktifkan otak dan selalu mencari cara baru. Seberapa pun kecil peranan kita di perusahaan, bantulah untuk memikirkan "improvement" , karena hal ini pasti akan berguna bagi
perusahaan, tim dan diri Anda sendiri. Selain itu kekuatan spirit Anda akan terasa oleh atasan. Dengan demikian kita secara tidak langsung membuat harapan baru bagi diri sendiri setiap saat dan terbiasa menanggulangi ancaman.

Kembangkan mindset "Memulai"

Menjadi orang yang pertama maju ke depan memimpin diskusi, memberi
tanggapan atas email kolega, mengirimkan notulen rapat ke pelanggan yang baru dikunjungi, sama sekali tidak sulit! Dampaknya terhadap
diri sendiri-lah yang lebih besar. Kita akan mendapatkan apresiasi
orang lain, dipandang sebagai orang yang gesit. Bayangkan kalau kita
selalu menjadi orang yang pertama menyapa "halo" di setiap kontak
dengan orang lain. Kita pasti akan menebar semangat. Dan, untuk diri
sendiri, kita akan menumbuhkan semangat ekstra sebagai pemulai dan
penyerang tidak sekedar responsif.

Cintai Teknologi

Pemrosesan data, jaringan internet, telekomunikasi tidak pernah bisa
kita hindari. Teknologi juga berkembang demikian pesat sehingga sulit diikuti. Rasanya baru beberapa tahun saja kita menikmati teknologi GPRS, CDMA. Sekarang, kalau tidak ber-3G-ria, rasanya kuno. Baru saja, kita menikmati "i-pod", sekarang kita perlu bersiap siap memahami "i-phone'. Bila kita sedikit berusaha untuk menyukai dan memperdalam teknologi, kita secara tidak langsung terpaksa mengadaptasi derap inovasi dan perubahan dari perkembangan teknologi.

Menjaga agar tetap ber-spirit ibarat menjalankan dinamika kehidupan
seorang artis; seorang artis tidak pernah berhenti memerhatikan, berpikir, mengembangkan ide, bereksperimen, mencari ide baru, antusias, bekerja tak kenal waktu dan berupaya menciptakan sesuatu yang unik dan baru. Jadilah orang yang senantiasa hidup dengan spirit. Hidup akan terasa lebih artistik. ***

Sumber: Spirit oleh Eileen Rachman, EXPERD

This is For Me, My Mother & Father...

Laws of Parenting
1. The later you stay up, the earlier your child will wake up the next morning.
2. For a child to become clean, something else must become dirty.
3. Toys multiply to fill any space available.
4. The longer it takes you to make a meal, the less your child will like it.
5. Yours is always the only child who doesn't behave.
6. If the shoe fits... it's expensive.
7. The surest way to get something done is to tell a child not to do it... :-))
For example: Filina, don't spoil it... Soon, you'll have to take a wipe.

For My Papi
At the age of sixty-four, Dad retired. I wanted to buy him something to thank him for all his hard work and sacrifice. As I shopped, I realized there was nothing I could buy that could thank him enough. He had taught me through his own hard work and faith in God that the greatest gifts come from the heart and not the store. That night, I sat down and wrote a list of "Thank You's" to my father for all he had done for me. I left it on the kitchen table for Dad to read before this final day at work.


For waking up every morning when it was still dark outside and going to work, while we slept in our warm beds.
For teaching me how to pray.
For loving my mother with all your heart.
For teaching me I can never say "please" and "thank you" too often.
For giving me life even after you lost a son.
For being a wonderful grandfather.
For telling me it's okay to cry.
For being my hero, for being my friend.
For translating my first novel, Robinson Crusoe.
For always asking my math homework.
For not asking me why I haven't got married at the age of 27.
For encouraging me to be myself. (This is the greatest gift from you).
I feel easy and comfortable to be what I am now, it is because of you.

What I think of my Mother . . .

4 YEARS OF AGE - My Mommy can do anything!
8 YEARS OF AGE - My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 YEARS OF AGE - My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
14 YEARS OF AGE - Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either!
16 YEARS OF AGE - Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.
18 YEARS OF AGE - That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 YEARS OF AGE - Well, she might know a little bit about it.
35 YEARS OF AGE - Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
45 YEARS OF AGE - Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?
65 YEARS OF AGE - Wish I could talk it over with Mom.
Submitted by Kiri Hyatt

Is He an Inspiring Businessman? Warren Buffet.

His Famous Quote :

“Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.”

Quotable Quote:

“Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.”
“Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing.”
“I always knew I was going to be rich. I don't think I ever doubted it for a minute.”

[There was a one hour interview on CNBC with Warren Buffet, the second
richest man who has donated $31 billion to charity. Here are some very
interesting aspects of his life:

1. He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!
2. He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.
3. He still lives in the same small 3-bedroom house in mid-town Omaha ,
that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has
everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.
4. He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security
people around him.
5. He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world's largest
private jet company.
6. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies.
He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies,
giving them goals
for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis.
He has given his CEO's only two rules. Rule number 1: do not lose any
of your share holder's money. Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1.

7. He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time
after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch Television.

8. Bill Gates, the world's richest man met him for the first time only
5 years ago. Bill Gates did not think he had anything in common with
Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour. But
when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates
became a devotee of Warren Buffet.
9. Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.

His advice to young people: "Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself and Remember:
A. Money doesn't create man but it is the man who created money.
B. Live your life as simple as you are.
C. Don't do what others say, just listen them, but do what you feel good.
D. Don't go on brand name; just wear those things in which u feel comfortable.
E. Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; just spend on them who really in need rather.
F. After all it's your life then why give chance to others to rule our life."


Read it through to the end, it gets better as you go!

I've learned that I like my teacher because she cries when we
sings "Silent Night".
Age 5

I've learned that our dog doesn't want to eat my broccoli
Age 7

I've learned that when I wave to people in the country, they
stop what they are doing and wave back.
Age 9

I've learned that just when I get my room the way I like it,
Mom makes me clean it up again.
Age 12

I've learned that if you want to cheer yourself up, you should
try cheering someone else up.
Age 14

I've learned that although it's hard to admit it, I'm secretly
glad my parents are strict with me.
Age 15

I've learned that silent company is often more healing than
words of advice.
Age 24

I've learned that brushing my child's hair is one of life's
great pleasures.
Age 26

I've learned that wherever I go, the world's worst drivers
have followed me there.
Age 29

I've learned that if someone says something unkind about me,
I must live so that no one will believe it.
Age 30

I've learned that there are people who love you dearly but
just don't know how to show it.
Age 42

I've learned that you can make some one's day by simply
sending them a little note.
Age 44

I've learned that the greater a person's sense of guilt, the
greater his or her need to cast blame on others.
Age 46

I've learned that children and grandparents are natural allies.
Age 47

I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems
today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.
Age 48

I've learned that singing "Amazing Grace" can lift my spirits
for hours.
Age 49

I've learned that motel mattresses are better on the side away
from the phone.
Age 50

I've learned that you can tell a lot about a man by the way he
handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and
tangled Christmas tree lights.
Age 51

I've learned that keeping a vegetable garden is worth a
medicine cabinet full of pills.
Age 52

I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your
parents, you miss them terribly after they die.
Age 53

I've learned that making a living is not the same thing as
making a life.
Age 58

I've learned that if you want to do something positive for
your children, work to improve your marriage.
Age 61

I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.
Age 62

I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catchers
mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.
Age 64

I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you.
But if you focus on your family, the needs of others, your
work, meeting new people, and doing the very best you can,
happiness will find you.
Age 65

I've learned that whenever I decide something with kindness,
I usually make the right decision.
Age 66

I've learned that everyone can use a prayer.
Age 72

I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be
Age 82

I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch
someone. People love that human touch-holding hands, a warm
hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.
Age 90

I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.
Age 92

I've learned that you should pass this one on to someone you
care about. Sometimes they just need a little something to
make them smile.

Saat Kita Angkat Tangan, DIA akan Turun Tangan

It's a nice story that reminds me to surrender all to Thee.
For some, perhaps this story is a little bit absurd, but for me it has clear idea.
I can understand how I attempt to catch the wind. I struggled in a vain.
Then nice words came to me:
"saat tangan kita terangkat (tanda penyerahan),
Tuhan pun akan turun tangan".
Dia tidak suka turut campur unless we invite Him to.

A story is told of a man taking a trip on an old wooden sailing ship. He was out on the deck one day and saw one of the crew-members climbing the ropes, going up to the crow's nest. When he was about half way up, the ship pitched to one side and he was thrown overboard.

When he hit the water, he began to scream for help, and flail his arms wildly, as he struggled to survive. The traveler watched as a sailor walked over to the rail of the ship, and calmly observed the man in the water. After a short while the man in the water tired, and began to sink. Immediately the sailor standing by the rail jumped overboard, and rescued the drowning victim.

After both men were safely on board, the traveler went over to the rescuer and asked, "why did you wait so long to jump in the water and rescue this man?"

He calmly replied, "I have found that as long as a man is struggling in the water, there is a greater chance that he will get us both drowned if I jump in too quickly, and try to save him." I have learned that it is better to let them struggle awhile, and when they come to the end of their own strength, I can then jump in and rescue them.

My friend, are you like the drowning man in the story? Have you fallen from your place of comfort and safety, and you are now struggling just to survive? Have you cried out to God to come and rescue you immediately? It is possible that the Lord is waiting until you have come to the end of yourself, and stop struggling in a vain attempt to save yourself, through any means. When you finally admit you can't save yourself, God will jump into the water and save you!

By David Langerfeld

only you can make yourself happy or unhappy

The softer your heart the easier you can handle your sorrow.
human being is not free from sorrow, from troubles.
yet, human being is constructed with special function to detect
what make him/her happy or sad.
Make a best detector and response.

Seorang guru sufi mendatangi seorang muridnya ketika wajahnya
belakangan ini selalu tampak murung.

"Kenapa kau selalu murung, nak? Bukankah banyak hal yang indah di
dunia ini? Ke mana perginya wajah bersyukurmu? " sang Guru bertanya.

"Guru, belakangan ini hidup saya penuh masalah. Sulit bagi saya untuk
tersenyum. Masalah datang seperti tak ada habis-habisnya, " jawab sang
murid muda.

Sang Guru terkekeh. "Nak, ambil segelas air dan dua genggam garam.
Bawalah kemari. Biar kuperbaiki suasana hatimu itu."
Si murid pun beranjak pelan tanpa semangat. Ia laksanakan permintaan
gurunya itu, lalu kembali lagi membawa gelas dan garam sebagaimana
yang diminta.

"Coba ambil segenggam garam, dan masukkan ke segelas air itu," kata
Sang Guru. "Setelah itu coba kau minum airnya sedikit."
Si murid pun melakukannya. Wajahnya kini meringis karena meminum air

"Bagaimana rasanya?" tanya Sang Guru.

"Asin, dan perutku jadi mual," jawab si murid dengan wajah yang masih

Sang Guru terkekeh-kekeh melihat wajah muridnya yang meringis

"Sekarang kau ikut aku." Sang Guru membawa muridnya ke danau di dekat
tempat mereka. "Ambil garam yang tersisa, dan tebarkan ke danau."
Si murid menebarkan segenggam garam yang tersisa ke danau, tanpa
bicara. Rasa asin di mulutnya belum hilang. Ia ingin meludahkan rasa
asin dari mulutnya, tapi tak dilakukannya. Rasanya tak sopan meludah
di hadapan mursyid, begitu pikirnya.

"Sekarang, coba kau minum air danau itu," kata Sang Guru sambil
mencari batu yang cukup datar untuk didudukinya, tepat di pinggir

Si murid menangkupkan kedua tangannya, mengambil air danau, dan
membawanya ke mulutnya lalu meneguknya. Ketika air danau yang dingin
dan segar mengalir di tenggorokannya, Sang Guru bertanya
kepadanya, "Bagaimana rasanya?"

"Segar, segar sekali," kata si murid sambil mengelap bibirnya dengan
punggung tangannya. Tentu saja, danau ini berasal dari aliran sumber
air di atas sana . Dan airnya mengalir menjadi sungai kecil di bawah.
Dan sudah pasti, air danau ini juga menghilangkan rasa asin yang
tersisa di mulutnya.

"Terasakah rasa garam yang kau tebarkan tadi?"

"Tidak sama sekali," kata si murid sambil mengambil air dan
meminumnya lagi. Sang Guru hanya tersenyum memperhatikannya,
membiarkan muridnya itu meminum air danau sampai puas.

"Nak," kata Sang Guru setelah muridnya selesai minum. "Segala masalah
dalam hidup itu seperti segenggam garam. Tidak kurang, tidak lebih.
Hanya segenggam garam. Banyaknya masalah dan penderitaan yang harus
kau alami sepanjang kehidupanmu itu sudah dikadar oleh Allah, sesuai
untuk dirimu. Jumlahnya tetap, segitu-segitu saja, tidak berkurang
dan tidak bertambah. Setiap manusia yang lahir ke dunia ini pun
demikian. Tidak ada satu pun manusia, walaupun dia seorang Nabi, yang
bebas dari penderitaan dan masalah."

Si murid terdiam, mendengarkan.

"Tapi Nak, rasa `asin' dari penderitaan yang dialami itu sangat
tergantung dari besarnya 'qalbu'(hati) yang menampungnya. Jadi Nak,
supaya tidak merasa menderita, berhentilah jadi gelas. Jadikan qalbu
dalam dadamu itu jadi sebesar danau."

Birthday Greeting

Dear mba Ochie,

Nda wish u
Happy Birthday
God gave a gift to the world when you were born-
a person who loves, who cares,
who sees a person’s need and fills it,
who encourages and lifts people up,
who spends energy on others
rather than herself,
someone who touches each life she enters,
and makes a difference in the world,
because ripples of kindness flow outward
as each person you have touched, touches others.
Your birthday deserves to be a national holiday,
because you are a special treasure
for all that you’ve done.
May the love you have shown to others
return to you, multiplied.
I wish you the happiest of birthdays,
and many, many more,
so that others have time to appreciate you
as much as I do.

With Luv

Kekuatan atau Kelemahan?

Seringkali, kita gagal sebelum memulai.
Tidak memulai sesuatu karena pikiran untuk maju
terikat oleh belenggu pikiran yang melemahkan.

Pikiran yg melemahkan seperti, 'saya tidak punya modal cukup,
saya tidak cukup ilmu, saya tidak punya waktu',
saya tidak sepandai dia, dll' yang menghambat kemajuan.
Pikiran yg menguatkan ingat cita2 kita dan jangan pikirkan kelemahan kita.
Hitung dan atur yang kita punya, dan jangan hitung dan atur
yang tidak kita punya.

Penulis tidak diketahui, Bits & Pieces, August 15, 1996,
Economic Press Inc

Kadang kelemahan kita bisa menjadi kekuatan terbesar kita. Ambil
contoh kisah seorang bocah 10 tahun yang memutuskan untuk
mempelajari judo walaupun ia telah kehilangan lengan kirinya
dalam sebuah kecelakaan mobil.

Sang bocah belajar dari seorang guru judo Jepang. Bocah ini
benar-benar belajar dengan baik, sehingga ia sendiri tidak
paham, kenapa setelah tiga bulan latihan, sang guru hanya
mengajarkannya satu gerakan.

"Sensei!"akhirnya sang bocah bertanya, "Bukankah saya
seharusnya sudah belajar gerakan lainnya?"

"Ini adalah satu-satunya gerakan yang kamu tahu, tapi ini juga
satu-satunya gerakan yang perlu kamu ketahui", jawab sang Sensei.

Walau tidak begitu memahami, tapi tetap percaya pada gurunya,
bocah ini tetap berlatih dan berlatih.

Beberapa bulan kemudian, sang sensei mengantarkan sang bocah ke
turnamen pertamanya. Terkejut pada kemampuannya sendiri, sang
bocah dengan mudah memenangkan dua pertarungan pertamanya.
Pertarungan ketiga lebih sulit, tapi setelah beberapa saat,
lawannya kehilangan kesabaran dan menyerang, sang bocah dengan
piawai menggunakan satu gerakannya untuk memenangkan
pertarungan. Masih heran dengan kemenangannya, sang bocah masuk

Kali ini, lawannya lebih besar, lebih kuat, dan lebih
berpengalaman. Untuk beberapa saat sang bocah terlihat tidak
sepadan dibanding lawannya. Karena kuatir sang bocah bisa
cedera, wasit menyerukan time-out. Ia bermaksud menghentikan
pertarungan saat sang sensei menginterupsinya.

"Tidak!"interupsi sang sensei, Biarkan ia melanjutkan."

Segera setelah pertarungan dilanjutkan, lawannya membuat
kesalahan kritikal: ia lalai dalam pertahanannya. Secara cepat
sang bocah menggunakan satu gerakan untuk menguncinya. Sang
bocah memenangkan pertarungan dan kejuaraan. Ialah sang

Dalam perjalanan kembali ke rumah, sang bocah dan senseinya
mempelajari kembali setiap gerakan di pertarungan hari itu. Lalu
sang bocah berani menanyakan yang terus dipikirkannya.

"Sensei, bagaimana saya bisa memenangkan kejuaraan hanya dengan
satu gerakan?"

"Kamu menang karena dua alasan!" jawab sang sensei. "Pertama,
kamu hampir memahiri salah satu bantingan tersulit dari semua
gerakan di judo. Kedua, satu-satunya pertahanan yang telah
diketahui terhadap gerakan itu adalah jika lawan kamu menangkap
lengan kiri kamu"

Kelemahan sang bocah telah menjadi kekuatan terbesarnya.

According to Your Faith be It Unto You

My father is a very healthy man. I’ve never heard that he needs to go to any physician for any disease or illness except for general check-up.
He always trusts that good food, good living habit will keep his body stable and well maintained.

Since I was a little kid, I can recall that my father always do whatever to keep his body in good shape and consume only good foods. He used to be a smoker, but he successfully quit smoking in onetime decision. He has never failed about quitting the habit since 1993.

He did yoga; head-standing was not too difficult for him. He practices medical recommendation he read in Reader’s Digest magazine as much as he can; such as muscles exercising, eating fresh veggies and fruits. He can hold breath longer than I can do; he can do Push-ups, Scot-jumps, sit-ups better than his kids.

Just two hours ago, I heard that he had serious problem with his health. He had vomited more than 10 times (20 times; my sister said). Dehydration symptoms started to fill my mind. I called my mother immediately who was in a family’s house.
She told me to take my father to the Emergency room (UGD) of Pertamina Hospital directly.

My sister said that father refused to go to the doctor. My father is always trust God’s power to heal man’s disease. It is difficult to reject his faith in that way. I sent emails to some Christian friends to pray for my father so nothing worse will happen as what entered my mind.

I believe God can heal any disease without any man’s help or advice; but we need to go to the doctor for medical suggestion not spiritual suggestion only. Isn’t it a contradiction in a way of believing? He believes prayer changes things.

According to your faith be it unto you… Mat 9:29

Kualitas yang sama dgn Overseas MBA?

I found it so inspiring from a websurfing after lunch time.

Thanks to Pak Wishnu.

Btw, the picture on the left shows courage, bravery.


Wishnu Iriyanto

Ada satu anggapan yang diterima oleh banyak orang bahwa mereka yang datang dengan gelar akademik lebih tinggi, misalnya MBA dari universitas ternama di luar negeri berpeluang jauh lebih tinggi untuk bisa berhasil dalam bisnis nya dibanding mereka yang datang dengan kualifikasi lebih rendah dan bersifat lokal.

Saya percaya bahwa dengan memiliki suatu kualifikasi extra, seseorang akan memilki keunggulan tertentu dalam berbisnis dibanding yang tidak memilikinya tapi kalau ditanya apakah itu akan membuat dia menjadi “sulit dikejar” oleh lulusan lokal dalam permainan bisnis jangka panjang, Saya akan jelas jelas menolak pendapat ini.

Alasan saya tiba tiba masuk ke topik ini sebetulnya karena beberapa hari lalu saya ngobrol dengan seorang teman lewat MSN. Setelah ngalor-ngidul ke area area yang tidak jelas, tiba tiba saya bertanya; bagaimana kabarnya bisnis mu? Dia kebetulan berbisnis makanan. Jawaban dia sangat menyedihkan saya, dia bilang; ”saya kelihatannya akan memutuskan untuk mundur dari bisnis ini, karena persaingannya terlalu berat. Bayangkan untuk bisnis dengan skala seperti ini saja, pesaing saya banyak yang title nya MBA luar negeri. Belum lagi modalnya besar besar. Saya seperti berhadapan dengan raksasa, jadi sebelum saya “tenggelam” lebih dalam, mending saya keluar dengan bawa sisa modal yang tersisa”. Dia bilang lagi ”saya akan coba cari bisnis yang pesaingnya tidak terlalu berat saja.”

Kalau saya analisa secara cepat saja, teman saya ini kehilangan gairah, motivasi, dan nyali nya ketika berhadapan dengan pesaing pesaing yang dianggap lebih pintar dan bermodal.

Saya berpendapat, ini mungkin terjadi di banyak kasus dan dengan skala ketakutan yang berbeda beda. Dan menurut saya ketakutan itu bersifat menghancurkan semangat dan motivasi yang mana merupakan modal terpenting setiap orang untuk bisa berhasil.

Dalam tulisan saya yang sekarang ini, saya hanya akan memfokuskan pada latar belakang pendidikan, soal modal dan unsur ketakutan, saya harap saya bisa bahas di kesempatan yang berbeda.

Sepanjang saya bekerja dengan university di 10 negara (Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, china, USA, UK, German, Swiss, dan Canada) saya menemukan bahwa rata rata MBA itu terdiri atas 12 – 16 unit pelajaran.

KAlau di Australia dimana kebetulan saya juga pernah bersekolah MBA, rata rata university disini menjalankan MBA nya berdasarkan 12 unit subject.

Sejauh pelajaran diajarkan di university saya, tiap unit rata rata memiliki 2 buku pegangan utama dan rata rata 5 buku pendamping.

Jadi, kesimpulaannya adalah, bila seseorang mentok dibiaya, tapi bila mendisiplinkan diri untuk belajar dan menguasai min 7 buku, dia sebetulnya secara informal, sudah menguasai unit itu. Nah kalau dia cukup mendisiplinkan diri dengan membaca 84 (12x7) buku pegangan wajib dan pegangan pendamping program MBA di university, walau dia nggak punya gelar resmi, dia tidak kalah dan tidak perlu minder terhadap lulusan MBA setidaknya dari Australia.

Saya percaya sekali akan keberhasilan konsep alternatif seperti ini. Bahkan kalau mau lihat lebih dalam lagi, sebagian dari mereka yang belajar MBA, sebetulnya tidak benar benar menjiwai sekali bidang ini, mereka hanya ambil karena alasan gengsi dan koleksi gelar (agar nanti karir professional mereka bisa “menang start” dibanding yang tidak punya gelar yang sama).

Tentu saja banyak juga diantara mereka yang benar benar berjuang dan diperlengkapi dengan tujuan yang benar yaitu menguasai ilmu itu secara utuh, tapi kalau hanya dibandingkan dengan yang bertujuan gengsi dan koleksi gelar (mungkin mereka tidak sadari tujuan ini – tapi hasil akhir sekolah, yaitu dengan melihat penguasaan materi secara keseluruhan, memperlihatkan kesimpulan itu), mereka yang baca dan belajar bukunya secara otodidak, lulusan lokal sama sekali tidak perlu minder, apalagi takut bila harus bersaing dengan mereka.

Sebagaimana pengalaman-pengalaman pribadi saya di masa lalu selaku pemilik usaha dari organisasi beranggotakan sekitar 50 orang, dimana saya mengamati orang yang pernah singgah di organisasi kami dan memberikan pelayanannya untuk saya dan organisasi, saya menyimpulkan bahwa keberhasilan itu lebih dipengaruhi banyak sekali oleh faktor karakter (seperti teachable, rendah hati, punya sikap hati yang benar untuk dipimpin, setia dll) serta mental menang dibanding tingkat pendidikan dan reputasi university darimana dia berasal.

Mungkin ada pembaca yang lagi lagi bosan kalau tulisan saya banyak kembali ke faktor karakter sebagai pendukung keberhasilan, tapi memang sebetulnya itu lah yang memang saya temukan dari pengamatan pribadi saya. (yang tentu saja rekan lain boleh disagree karena pengalaman rekan yang berbeda dengan saya)

Misalnya dalam contoh di organisasi saya:

Pada suatu waktu, adik saya membawa teman pelayanan di gerejanya yang kebetulan hanya lulusan smu untuk mendaftar sebagai pegawai untuk posisi asisten bagi salah satu konsultan sekolah ke luar negeri kami. Secara umum, konsultan konsultan kami adalah lulusan luar negeri dan asisten asisten mereka merupakan setidaknya lulusan s1 lokal (kadang malah ada yang lulusan luar negeri juga).

Karena adik kandung saya yang memperkenalkan, saya memperhatikan dengan sedikit lebih serius. Calon pegawai ini latar belakang pendidikannya adalah SMU dan selama beberapa tahun terakhir bekerja sebagai marketing perusahaan mebel di PLUIT.

Anggapan saya saat itu, dia sebetulnya tidak qualified untuk bekerja di organisasi kami, tapi karena sudah diperkenalkan secara langsung, saya harus menemukan cara untuk menolaknya secara halus.

Akhirnya saya ada ide, saya minta calon pegawai baru ini untuk membaca 7 buku (yang saya pilihkan sendiri, dengan rata rata 180 an halaman dengan topic topic marketing praktis, management, motivasi, leadership dll) selama 7 hari kedepan. Nanti sesudahnya akan saya test, kalau saya puas dia sudah membaca dan menguasai nya secara memadai, saya akan kasih buku berbeda dalam jumlah yang sama dan dalam waktu yang sama yaitu 7 buku selama 7 hari. Ini akan berlanjut sampai dengan 3 putaran. Jadi jumlahnya adalah 21 buku untuk 21 hari. Terakhir, saya yang akan putuskan apakah akan diterima atau tidak berdasarkan kemampuan dia untuk menguasai apa yang saya berikan.

Tadinya saya pikir test jenis ini akan menakutkan dia, ternyata dia dengan bersemangat menerima jenis test kerja yang tidak umum ini.

Sebagai bayangan, sambil dia lakukan test itu, dia masih bekerja di pluit sementara dia tinggal di TG priok yang waktu tempuh naik kendaraan umumnya sekitar 90 – 120 menit diperjalanan. Jadi bisa dibayangkan kalau sebetulnya dia nggak punya waktu banyak untuk baca.

Hari ke 6, di telp saya untuk janjian ketemu besoknya untuk minta di test, padahal saya sendiri aja sudah lupa soal itu, karena saya tidak benar benar berpikir anak ini akan betul betul konsisten dengan janji membacanya.

HAri ke 7, test berjalan memuaskan, dia benar benar membaca seluruh buku. Sampai pada tahap ini, saya cukup surprise dengan kemauan nya untuk menang. Untuk ukuran orang yang dimasa lalu jarang baca buku dan sementara kerja full time ditempat yang jauh, saya masih bertanya tanya bagaimana dia me-manage hal ini yaitu bekerja dan baca buku dalam jumlah lumayan banyak serta dalam periode waktu yang sempit.

Hari ke 13, saya di telp lagi, Cuma sekarang yang telp adik saya. Dia bilang kalau temannya ini sekarang di rumah sakit. Dia pingsan mendadak. Saya luarbiasa kaget, dan saya tanya kenapa, adik saya bilang dia kurang tidur karena baca buku yang saya berikan.

Ketika saya mau jenguk, dia bilang nanti aja jenguk dirumah nya langsung, karena nggak lama lagi mereka diijinkan dokter untuk langsung pulang tanpa perlu dirawat dirumah sakit.

Belakangan saya tahu kalau ternyata itu pingsannya yang ke 3 kali dalam 12 hari kebelakang. Saya luarbiasa merasa berdosa saat itu. Saya tidak mengira kalau akibat test diluar system normal seperti itu membuat anak ini pingsan berulang ulang.

Tapi pada saat yang sama, saya menyadari ada kekuatan luarbiasa dalam diri anak ini, dia memiliki kemauan menang dan setidaknya satu bagian dari karakter yaitu teachable (bisa/mau diajar), ada pada dirinya diatas dosis normal.

Saya gembira sekali dengan penemuan saya ini, karena tidak banyak orang yang akan mencoba batas ketahanan tubuhnya sendiri demi memenuhi target yang sebetulnya saya sadari kurang realistis dari sisi waktu.

Pada akhir cerita, anak ini jadi pegawai ditempat kita, militansi kerja nya sangat mengagumkan, dan dia bukan hanya akhirnya jadi konsultan ditempat kita, tapi malah menduduki posisi pemimpin di salah satu cabang kami di Jakarta.

Yang hebatnya, di kantor cabang yang dipimpinnya, tanpa fasilitas yang cukup, dia mampu merubah kantor yang penjualannya merosot (walau dipegang lulusan luar negeri selama 2x berturut turut) menjadi posisi positif. Mental menang nya membuat dia yang cuma lulusan SMU bisa berdiri sejajar dengan konsultan lain yang lulusan luar negeri.

Walaupun dalam jangka pendek mereka yang memiliki gelar gelar yang kelihatan wah, sepertinya “menang start”, tapi dalam perlombaaan jangka panjang, sebetulnya etos kerja, karakter, mental menang, motivasi pribadi yang kuat (hal hal yang benar benar dasar), dan mereka yang mampu menumbuhkan keahlian otodidak lah yang akan menang.

Bicara tentang otodidak, saya berpendapat kualitas generasi sekarang relative kalah dengan generasi jaman dahulu. Saya pernah dengar cerita kalau oma nya teman saya, belajar bahasa perancisnya cuma lewat nonton bioskop. Malah dia sengaja sembunyi agar bisa nonton film itu 4 kali berturut turut dengan cuma bayar sekali. Dan menurut saya, kualitas bahasa perancisnya sangat bagus sekali untuk kategori orang yang tdk pernah kursus, hanya belajar dari bioskop dan tidak pernah pergi ke perancis. Tambahan lagi, oma nya ini kenal hanya sedikit sekali orang perancis di Jakarta sebagai partner bicara.

Oma ini bilang, di jamannya, hal hal otodidak seperti ini, bukanlah hal istimewa bagi kalangan intelektual saat itu. Coba bandingkan dengan kalangan intelektual kita saat ini, berapa banyak yang memilki skill otodidak pada level yang sama dengan oma tadi?

Memang sampai saat ini fasilitas pemerintah terhadap pendidikan murah, perpustakaan berkualitas dan akses akses terhadap pendidikan alternative masih sangat kurang dibanding Negara Negara lain, tapi saya berpendapat kegagalan terbesar bangsa ini masih bukan di pendidikan, tapi di mental menang dan karakter yang baik yang seharusnya dimiliki secara nasional.

Maafkan saya untuk kalimat seperti itu, terutama bagi mereka yang memang tidak termasuk golongan kebanyakan.

Mungkin mau sharing sedikit, semenjak saya di Melbourne dalam rangka mengembangkan kantor cabang kecil kami, saya merasa visi saya dibuat makin jelas oleh Tuhan dari hari ke hari. Pada saat saat hening, saya merasa sepertinya panggilan saya adalah di penciptaan sekolah sekolah alternatif yang bersifat singkat, mampu menghasilkan orang orang dengan kualitas karakter yang memadai dan mental menang yang excellent serta memperlengkapi mereka dengan skill yang memadai (tidak harus bersifat akademik) yang pada akhirnya memungkinkan mereka untuk bertarung dengan kesulitan hidup.

Saya merasa beban panggilan terbesar saya justru ada pada anak anak, karena setiap kali saya membaca berita yang luarbiasa banyaknya anak anak yang akhirnya kehilangan potensi terbaik mereka karena kurangnya motivasi dan menghabiskan tahun tahun terbaik mereka hanya untuk bertahan hidup di jalanan dan tidak menyadari visi visi besar yang secara alami ada pada diri mereka masing masing, saya merasa hati saya menangis. Saya menjerit kepada Tuhan untuk mengirimkan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu atas situasi ini. Lingkaran setan kemiskinan dan kebodohan ini harus diputus bagaimanapun caranya.

Apabila ditanya apakah saya sudah mempunyai gambaran yang jelas mengenai ini, saya akan menjawab sama sekali tidak ada, tapi saya percaya Tuhan akan berikan itu pada waktunya dan saya percaya pada saatnya nanti Tuhan akan kirimkan orang orang terbaik dengan panggilan yang sama untuk kita bisa sama sama lakukan hal ini.

Di Australia ini, saya menyaksikan banyak sekali orang orang dengan etos kerja yang biasa biasa saja, tapi menikmati hidup yang layak, saya percaya Indonesia juga memilki puluhan juta pekerja dengan etos kerja yang tidak kalah kuatnya, tapi kenapa anak anak negeri ini harus menderita lapar, kekerasan fisik, harga diri yang rendah, hilangnya harapan sambil menyaksikan balita balita mereka kelaparan dan menangis karena kekurangan gizi.

Oleh karena itu tujuan dari rintisan pembuatan artikel artikel ini salah satunya adalah untuk men-draft-kan pemikiran pemikiran saya, agar suatu saat kelak bisa saya gunakan untuk merencanakan sesuatu yang berguna bagi visi dasar saya.

Sebetulnya saya berharap melalui bergabungnya saya di milis, saya bisa bertemu orang orang dengan skill, keterbebanan yang sama serta panggilan yang serupa utk kita bisa sama sama berpikir dan bertindak walau cuma dalam skala yang tidak besar tapi bisa mempengaruhi dampak masa depan anak anak.

Memang karena saya saat ini di Melbourne, tidak banyak yang saya bikin, tapi saya hanya berdoa semoga Tuhan terus pertajam visi, skill dan beban saya untuk bisa mematangkan konsep kasar yang saat ini saya percaya Tuhan sudah taruh di hati saya.

Saya percaya Tuhan memberkati dan membuka jalan bagi setiap pejuang yang bertekun hingga akhir dalam memenuhi panggilannya.

I am Going to Thank YOU Right Now

Dear GOD:
I want to thank You for what you have already done.
I am not going to wait until I see results or receive rewards;
I am thanking you right now.
I am not going to wait until I feel better or things look better;
I am thanking you right now.
I am not going to wait until people say they are sorry or until they stop talking about me; I am thanking you right now.
I am not going to wait until the pain in my body disappears;
I am thanking you right now.
I am not going to wait until my financial situation improves;
I am going to thank you right now.

I am not going to wait until the children are asleep and the house is quiet;
I am going to thank you right now.

I am not going to wait until I get promoted at work or until I get the job;
I am going to thank you right now.
I am not going to wait until I understand every experience in my life that has caused me pain or grief; I am thanking you right now.
I am not going to wait until the journey gets easier or the challenges are removed; I am thanking you right now.

I am thanking you because I am alive.
I am thanking you because I made it through the day's difficulties.
I am thanking you because I have walked around the obstacles.
I am thanking you because I have the ability and the opportunity to do more
and do better.

I'm thanking you because FATHER, YOU haven't given up on me.

God is just so good, and he's good all the time.

In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but the gratefulness that makes us happy.

Fill in the blanks:
Happiest people are those are able to...................

Watch the picture closely and you can answer or fill in the blanks.


Lyric: The Rose

Some say love, it is a river,
That drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor,
That leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love, it is a hunger,
An endless, aching need.
I say love, it is a flower,
And you, it's only seed.

It's a heart afraid of breaking,
That never learns to dance.
It's the dream, afraid of waking,
That never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
Who cannot seem to give.
And the soul, afraid of dying,
That never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely,
And the road has been too long,
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong:
Just remember, in the winter,
Far beneath the bitter snows,
Lies the seed, that with the sun's love
In the Spring, becomes the rose.

- Bette Midler

Thoughts On Love

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.

Success is nothing, without someone you love to share it with. -Billy Dee Williams in the movie, Mahogany

Love cures people, both the ones who give it and the ones who receive t. - Dr. Karl Menninger

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell. - Joan Crawford

Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a confusion of the real with the ideal never goes unpunished. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

Age does not protect you from love but love to some extent protects you from age. - Jeanne Moreau

Beware you be not swallowed up in books! An ounce of love is worth a pound of knowledge. - John Wesley

Better to have loved a short man than never to have loved a tall. - David Chambless

Immature love says: "I love you because I need you." Mature love says: "I need you because I love you." - Erich Fromm

Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great. - Comte DeBussy-Rabutin

A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then he's finished. - Zsa Zsa Gabor

In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing. - Mignon McLaughlin

There is only one kind of love, but there are a thousand imitations. - Francois de La Rouchefoucauld

To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever
you're wrong, admit it; whenever you're right, shut up. - Ogden Nash

The course of true love never did run smooth. - William Shakespeare

You can't buy love, but you can pay heavily for it. - Henny Youngman

Men always want to be a woman's first love, women like to be a man's last romance. - Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

No matter how lovesick a woman is, she shouldn't take the first pill that comes along. - Joyce Brothers

To Love and Be Loved

There was a boy
A very strange enchanted boy
They say he wandered very far, very far
Over land and sea
A little shy and sad of eye
But very wise was he

And then one day
A magic day he passed my way
And while we spoke of many things
Fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return"

Menurut Allah, Kamu Indah!

I got this prose from a friend and it is interesting.
I like to read it over and over again.
Not only christians have this God-human or Father-child relationship I guess.
This idea is inspiring those who have low self-esteem.
Sometimes I am one of them.

Allah suka padamu...
Kalau Dia punya dompet, pasti fotomu disimpan didalam-nya,
Kalau Dia punya kulkas, fotomu pasti disimpan di pintunya,
Dia mengirim bunga untukmu setiap musim semi dan matahari terbit setiap pagi,
Kalau kamu ingin bicara, Dia pasti mau mendengarkan.
Sebenarnya Dia bisa tinggal dimana saja di alam semesta ini,
dan Dia memilih hatimu. Terima saja sobat, Dia tergila-gila padamu!
Kayaknya mungkin kamu susah sekali percaya bahwa Allah mengenal namamu.
Dia benar benar mengenal namamu (Yes45:3-4) .
Tertulis ditelapak tangan-Nya,diucapkan dengan mulut-Nya,
Dibisikkan dengan bibir-Nya, Namamu.
Hati kita tidak cukup besar untuk memuat semua berkat yang ingin Allah berikan.

Jadi, coba ini :
Kalau matahari terbit membuatmu begitu takjub sampai menahan nafas,
atau bunga bunga dipadang membuatmu begitu terpesona,
sampai tidak bisa berkata kata tetaplah seperti itu.
Tidak perlu mengatakan apa-apa dan dengarkan sorga berbisik,
"Kau suka itu? Aku melakukannya hanya untukmu"
Kalau kita saja suka memberi hadiah hadiah untuk menunjukkan kasih
sayang kita, apalagi Dia?

Bisa saja Dia biarkan bumi ini datar dan berwarna abu-abu, tapi Dia tidak begitu.
Dipercikan-Nya warna jingga pada matahari terbit,
Dan diberi-Nya warna biru pada langit.
Dan kalau kamu suka melihat sekawanan angsa yang sedang berkumpul,
kamu juga pasti bisa melihatNya.

Apa Dia harus menjadikan bulu ekor musang empuk dan lembutnya?
Apa Dia harus membuat burung- burung berkicau?
Dan lucunya ayam berjalan tergopoh gopoh.
Atau dasyatnya gelegar guntur ? Mengapa Dia memberi aroma bagi bunga?
Mengapa Dia memberi rasa pada makanan?
Mungkinkah itu semua karena Dia suka sekali melihat raut wajahmu?
Jadi berjanjilah, kamu tidak akan lupa,
bahwa kamu bukan suatu kebetulan atau kejadian.. kamu adalah karunia bagi dunia.
Karya seni sorgawi, tanda tangan Allah.

(Engkau menenunku didalam kandungan ibuku, Mazmur 139:13)
kamu ditenun/rajutNya, Kamu bukan produksi massal, kamu bukan hasil buatan mesin.
Kamu dirancang secara khusus, diberi karunia khusus,dan ditempatkan didunia ini dengan penuh kasih.. oleh sang Pencipta Agung.

MenurutNya kamu adalah hal terindah yang melesat turun dari puncak dalam sekejap.
Menolehlah kepinggir jalan, lihat,
Allah sedang bersorak sorak memberimu dukungan dalam lomba lari.
Coba lihat ke depan ke garis akhir,
lihat Allah sedang bertepuk tangan memuji langkahmu.

Allah ada bagimu
Kalau Allah punya kalender,pasti tanggal ulang tahunmu sudah di lingkari.
Kalau Dia menyetir mobil, pasti namamu sudah tertulis di bemperNya,
Kalau ada pohon di sorga, pasti Dia sudah mengukir namamu dibatangnya.
Mungkin kamu tidak mau menggangu Allah dengan lukamu.
Tetapi "Dia yang memelihara kamu" ( 1 Petrus 5:7 )

Dia menunggumu, untuk memelukmu. dalam keberhasilan dan kegagalanmu.
Bapa Sorgawi sangat menyayangimu dan hanya ingin memberikan kasih-Nya kepadamu.
Tanpa dibatasi oleh waktu, Allah melihat kita semua.
Gelandangan & anak terlantar, semuanya.
Dia melihat kita sebelum kita dilahirkan. Dan Dia suka dengan semua yang dilihatNya.
Dengan luapan emosi, penuh kebanggaan,sang Pencipta bintang itu menoleh ke arah kita,
satu persatu dan mengatakan "Engkau anakKu, Aku sangat mengasihimu"

Aku tahu, suatu hari nanti, engkau akan berpaling dariKu dan menjauh.
Tetapi Aku ingin engkau tahu,Aku telah menyediakan jalan pulang bagimu.
Kamu telah memikat hati Allah. Dia tidak sanggup hidup tanpamu.
Impian Allah, membawamu dengan denganNya.
Dan jalan menuju salib, memberitahu kita, sejauh apa jalan yang Allah tempuh untuk memanggil kita kembali kepadaNya.
"Apa yang bisa membuatKu berhenti mengasihimu? "tanya Allah.
"Ingin tahu berapa lama kasihKu akan bertahan?
Lihat saja, Aku bicara dalam bahasamu,tidur diduniamu, dan merasakan sakitmu.
temukan jawabannya diatas kayu salib itu,di atas bukit berbatu itu.
Itulah bukti besarnya kasihKu kepadamu"

Masih banyak yang Allah lakukan selain mengampuni kesalahan kita, Dia menghapusnya! Kita hanya harus membawa kesalahan kita kepadaNya.
Kamu bisa bicara dengan Allah karena Allah pasti mendengarkan.
Biar saja air mata menetes dipipimu Ia akan menyekanya.

Dia telah mengutus malaikat malaikat Nya untuk menjagaimu(Maz. 91:11),
Roh KudusNya untuk tinggal didalammu. GerejaNya untuk mendukungmu dan pedangNya untuk mempimpinmu.

Sebesar kerinduan mu untuk bertemu dengannya,
lebih besar lagi kerinduanNya untuk bertemu denganmu.
Kalau kamu menyetuh hati Allah, pakailah nama sebutan yang paling Ia sukai:
panggil dia "Bapa"

Menurut Allah, kamu indah!
(by Max Lucado)

Touching Story: Identical Twin Sacrifice

Note: Jeepneys are the most common form of public transport throughout the many islands of the Philippines. The jeepney is the Filipino version of the "jitney," the taxi/minibus that travels along a fixed route. Jeepneys are a popular means of public transportation in the Philippines. They were originally made from US military jeeps left over from World War II and are well known for their flamboyant decoration and crowded seating. They have also become a symbol of Philippine culture.

There's a story about two Filipino brothers, identical twins, who lived in Manila and made their living by driving jeepneys, Filipino taxis.
Though they were twins and had similar jobs, they lived very different lives.
One was married and had children; the other was single.
Then one day, the married brother accidentally struck and killed a tourist with his taxi. Accused of reckless driving, the twin was sentenced to twenty years in the notorious Manila prison - a devastating fate that would leave his wife and children without an income.

One day, his twin came to visit him in prison. He said, "Brother, your family desperately needs you. Put on my clothes and take my visitor's pass, and I will put on your prison uniform and serve the rest of your sentence. Go to your family." So, while the guards were not looking, the twins exchanged clothes, and the married brother walked out of the prison unchallenged. Do you think the twin who was freed could ever stop thinking about the sacrifice that his brother made in trading places with him?

By Doug Batchelor in Broken Chains (Pacific Press 2004)

What's In A Name?

Rosalie means a rose.
Abdillah means servant of God.
Dewi Rejeki means goddes of fortune.

Reader's Digest calls Pleasantville, New York, home.
We like the name.
It's heartening, comforting and looks a lot better on the stationery than, say, Boring, Maryland.
Here are a few other uninspiring town names:
Bland, Missouri
Dull, Ohio
Flat, Alaska
Plain, Wisconsin
Ordinary, Virginia
Mousie, Kentucky
Dowdy, Arizona
Low Point, Arizona
Pitts, Georgia
Hell, Michigan
Mount Misery, New Jersey
Swastika, New York

Write your plans in pencil and give God the eraser, again

I’ve been working for more than 10 years at the same company since I was a fresh graduate. I always believe that it is not by chance that I work in this company; there is a specific reason for it.

Recently, I’ve been thinking about quitting. Doing my own business or working for other companies seem to me now are more promising and challenging than being at this same place though I enjoy it so far.

I used to pray, 'God, bless what I'm doing.' Now I should pray, “God, let me do what you're blessing. Let me write my plans in pencil and I’ll give you the eraser”.

Please remind me that what to a caterpillar is the end of life
is a new life for a butterfly.

When things are not the same as what we have expected

When things are not the same as what we have expected, we become disappointed.

There are times when the disappointment obsessed us so badly that smiling is very difficult to shine on our face.

We understood that grace and trouble came in one packet, but we focus to the trouble more than to the grace.

”To cheer other will cheer up us”.
I practiced it and it is well proven.

I can see the grace more clearly after the smile shines. Let me be the one to infect you with my smile.

When Home is Broken, Heart is Broken...

When faced with the breakup of her parents' marriage, a hurting teenager named Kimberly used the following word picture in this letter to her father, Steve:

Dear Daddy,
It's late at night, and I'm sitting in the middle of my bed writing to you.
I've wanted to talk with you so many times during the past few weeks.
But there never seems to be any time when we're alone.

Dad, I realize you're dating someone else. And I know you and Mom may never get back together.
That's terribly hard to accept - especially knowing that you may never come back home or be an "everyday" dad to me and Brian again. But I want you at least to understand what's going on in our lives.

Don't think that Mom asked me to write this. She didn't. She doesn't know I'm writing, and neither does Brian.
I just want to share with you what I've been thinking. Dad, I feel like our family has been riding in a nice car for a long time.
You know, the kind you always like to have as a company car.
It's the kind that has every extra inside and not a scratch on the outside.

But over the years, the car has developed some problems. It's smoking a lot, the wheels wobble, and the seat covers are ripped.
The car's been really hard to drive or ride in because of all the shaking and squeaking.
But its still a great automobile - or at least it could be. With a little work, I know it could run for years.

Since we got the car, Brian and I have been in the backseat while you and Mom have been up front.
We feel really secure with you driving and Mom beside you. But last month. Mom was at the wheel.

It was night time, and we had just turned the comer near our house. Suddenly, we all looked up and saw another car, out of control, heading straight for us. Mom tried to swerve out of the way, but the other car smashed into us.
The impact sent us flying off the road and crashing into a lamppost.

The thing is, Dad, just before we were hit, we could see that you were driving the other car.
And we saw something else: Sitting next to you was another woman.

It was such a terrible accident that we were all rushed to the emergency ward.
But when we asked where you were, no one knew.
We're still not really sure where you are or if you were hurt or if you need help.

Mom was really hurt. She was thrown into the steering wheel and broke several ribs.
One of them punctured her lungs and almost pierced her heart.

When the car wrecked, the back door smashed into Brian.
He was covered with cuts from the broken glass, and he shattered his arm, which is now in a cast.
But that's not the worst.
He's sail in so much pain and shock that he doesn't want to talk or play with anyone.

As for me, I was thrown from the car.
I was stuck out in the cold for a long time with my right leg broken.
As I lay there, I couldn't move and didn't know what was wrong with Mom and Brian.
I was hurting so much myself that I couldn't help them.

There have been times since that night when I wondered if any of us would make it.
Even though we're getting a little better, were all still in the hospital.
The doctors say I'll need a lot of therapy on my leg, and I know they can help me get better.
But I wish it were you who was helping me, instead of them.

The pain is so bad, but what's even worse is that we all miss you so much.
Every day we wait to see if you're going, to visit us in the hospital, and every day you don't come.
I know its over. But my heart would explode with joy if somehow I could look up and see you walk into my room.

At night when the hospital is really quiet, they push Brian and me into Mom's room, and we all talk about you.
We talk about how much we loved driving with you and how we wish you were with us now.

Are you all right? Are you hurting from the wreck? Do you need us like we need you? If you need me, I'm here and I love you.

Your daughter,

(A few days after receiving Kimberly's letter, Steve appeared on his family's doorstep and asked to come back. :o)

Source: Night Light: A Devotional for Couples, By Dobson, James C.; Dobson, Shirley Published by Multnomah Pub (September 1, 2000), ISBN: 1576736741,

I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.
-By Booker T. Washington

A Parable of A Child

There is a difference between education and experience. Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it!

But isn't it true that great learning comes from both education and experience?
Let me tell you a parable:

A young school teacher had a dream that an angel appeared to him and said, "You will be given a child who will grow up to become a world leader. How will you prepare her so that she will realize her intelligence, grow in confidence, develop both her assertiveness and sensitivity, be open-minded, yet strong in character? In short, what kind of education will you provide that she can become one of the world's truly GREAT leaders?"

The young teacher awoke in a cold sweat. It had never occurred to him before
-- any ONE of his present or future students could be the person described in his dream. Was he preparing them to rise to ANY POSITION to which they may aspire? He thought, 'How might my teaching change if I KNEW that one of my students were this person?' He gradually began to formulate a plan in his mind.

This student would need experience as well as instruction. She would need to know how to solve problems of various kinds. She would need to grow in character as well as knowledge. She would need self-assurance as well as the ability to listen well and work with others. She would need to understand and appreciate the past, yet feel optimistic about the future. She would need to know the value of lifelong learning in order to keep a curious and active mind. She would need to grow in understanding of others and become a student of the spirit. She would need to set high standards for herself and learn self discipline, yet she would also need love and encouragement, that she might be filled with love and goodness.

His teaching changed. Every young person who walked through his classroom became, for him, a future world leader. He saw each one, not as they were, but as they could be. He expected the best from his students, yet tempered it with compassion. He taught each one as if the future of the world depended on his instruction.

After many years, a woman he knew rose to a position of world prominence. He realized that she must surely have been the girl described in his dream. Only she was not one of his students, but rather his daughter. For of all the various teachers in her life, her father was the best.

I've heard it said that "Children are living messages we send to a time and place we will never see." But this isn't simply a parable about an unnamed school teacher. It is a parable about you and me -- whether or not we are parents or even teachers.

Steve Goodier is the editor of The Life Support System, a motivational e-newsletter delivered daily to 85,000 subscribers in over 100 nations. His inspirational newsletter and books are available through his website at

Laughing at Our Mistakes

Laughing at our mistakes can lengthen our own life.
Laughing at someone else's can shorten it. - Cullen Hightower

To laugh is a simple thing to do.
However, it might be difficult to laugh at myself because of my wrong self-defending mind system. When I face a failure, I try to find the guilty ones instead of my self.
This is the reason of the difficulties of laughing at my own mistake.
I concentrate more to tertiary matters outside than primary or secondary wrongs inside myself.

Tukul Arwana Katro is one of the good models I can learn from.
This comedian has the ability to laugh his own stupidity.
Well, I don't really like his jokes at "Empat Mata", but I can still learn from him.

Multitasker Person

I'm a master multi-tasker.
I eat breakfast while I drive.
Even make calls while I'm steering.
In one hour, I work five.
I check scores while sending e-mail.
It's called working while you play.
I can exercise while reading.
And I worry while I pray.
I can shave while I am showering.
I watch news while getting dressed.
I drink coffee walking Fido.
Maybe that's why I am stressed.
Doing just one thing seems lazy.
There's so much that must get done.
So I'm dreaming while I'm working
how to sleep while on the run.

Copyright 2005 by Greg Asimakoupoulos, Mercer Island, WA
Rhymes 'n Reasons/The Partial Observer

Failure Leads to Success

In 1962, four nervous young musicians played their first record audition for the executives of the Decca Recording company. The executives were not impressed. While turning down this group of musicians, one executive said, "We don't like their sound. Groups of guitars are on the way out." The group was called The Beatles.

In 1944, Emmeline Snively, director of the Blue Book Modeling Agency, told modeling hopeful Norma Jean Baker, "You'd better learn secretarial work or else get married." She went on and became Marilyn Monroe.

In 1954, Jimmy Denny, manager of the Grand Ole Opry fired a singer after one performance. He told him, "You ain't goin' nowhere son. You ought to go back to drivin' a truck." He went on to become the most popular singer in America, named Elvis Presley.

When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, it did not ring off the hook with calls from potential backers. After making a demonstration call, President Rutherford Hayes said, "That's an amazing invention, but who would ever want to use one of them?"

When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, he tried over 2000 experiments before he got it to work. A young reporter asked him how it felt to fail so many times. He said, "I never failed once. I invented the light bulb. It just happened to be a 2000-step process."

In the 1940's, another young inventor named Chester Carlson took his idea to 20 corporations, including some of the biggest in the country. They all turned him down. In 1947 - after seven long years of rejections! He finally got a tiny company in Rochester, New York, the Haloid Company, to purchase the rights to his invention, an electrostatic paper-copying process. Haloid became Xerox Corporation we know today.

Wilma Rudolph was the 20th of 22 children. She was born prematurely and her survival was doubtful. When she was 4 years old, she contacted double pneumonia and scarlet fever, which left her with a paralyzed left leg. At age 9, she removed the metal leg brace she had been dependent on and began to walk without it. By 13 she had developed rhythmic walk, which doctors said was a miracle. That same year she decided to become a runner. She entered a race and came in last. For the next few years every race she entered, she came in last. Everyone told her to quit, but she kept on running. One day she actually won a race. And then another. From then on she won every race she entered. Eventually this little girl, who was told she would never walk again, went on to win three Olympic gold medals.

The moral of the above Stories: Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved. You gain strength, experience and confidence by every experience where you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you cannot do. And remember, the finest steel gets sent through the hottest furnace. A winner is not one who never fails, but one who NEVER QUITS! In LIFE, remember that you pass this way only once! Let's live life to the fullest and give it our best.


You are Never too Old to Study, to Learn, to Live

Another inspiring woman... Sitting on the front row in her college classes carefully taking notes, Nola Ochs is just as likely to answer que...